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Tracking and setting supervision hours and goals

The Motivo platform is designed to simplify the process of tracking supervision hours and setting goals, making it more straightforward for you to support your supervisees effectively.

How to use Motivo's hours and goal tracking features

Viewing supervisee's hours and goals

  1. Log into Motivo and navigate to the My Supervisees tab on your homepage.
  2. Click on the supervisee's name to see their accumulated hours and supervision goals.

Tracking your supervisee's clinical hours

Supervisees have the option to track the hours they spend providing direct client care. You can see these hours where it says Total Clinical Hours.

Tracking supervision hours accumulated outside of the Motivo platform

On the Supervisee Hours page, click on the Other Hours tab.

Setting and achieving clinical supervision goals

Well-defined goals not only drive professional growth and focus learning objectives but also enhance accountability, adapt to changing needs, and ultimately, improve client outcomes.

Setting goals for the clinical supervision process leads to several benefits

  • Professional development: Tailor goals to enhance skills and knowledge.
  • Focused learning: Identify specific areas for improvement.
  • Accountability: Encourage ownership and provide targeted feedback.
  • Adaptability: Update goals in response to the evolving mental health field and your supervisee's development.
  • Client care: Link the quality of supervision directly to better client outcomes.

For a comprehensive guide on setting effective goals, including practical examples and strategies, visit our detailed resources on clinical supervision goal setting.

How to add and edit goals

  1. Log into Motivo and select the My Supervisee tab.
  2. Choose a supervisee, then click the Add Goal button and enter the goal.
  3. Save the goal by selecting Update.

How to add additional goals

  1. Go to the View All Goals tab.
  2. Click Add New Goal to include more objectives.
  3. Save the goal by selecting Update.

How to edit a goal

  1. Select the goal you want to edit.
  2. Click the three dots next to the goal, and choose Edit.
  3. Edit your goal.
  4. Save the goal by selecting Update.

Watch the Recording Goals Video Guide for Supervisors

Hours and goals FAQs for supervisors

How are supervision hours tracked that are conducted on the Motivo platform?

Hours are automatically added to the supervisee’s profile post-session.

Can I edit supervisee hours?

No, if you see a discrepancy with the hours the supervisee has completed with you, please contact support.

Can the supervisee edit hours?

No, the supervisee cannot edit the hours they've completed with you. They can only edit the external hours they have completed outside Motivo.

All Motivo hours are automatically tracked after the post session.

Is goal setting collaborative?

Absolutely. While the supervisor initiates, setting goals is a mutual process based on the supervisee's professional development needs.

Who can see the supervisee's external hours and goals?

Only the current supervisor overseeing the supervisee’s licensure process can view these.

Who verifies the accuracy of logged hours, especially external ones?

Supervisees are responsible for the accuracy of their logged hours. As part of your supervision dialogue, regularly emphasize the importance of accuracy for licensure progress and encourage them to verify that the current log is accurate.

What are some examples of good supervision goals?

Goals will be different depending on the supervisee and their stage of clinical supervision. Here are some examples of useful goals that will guide the process at different stages.

Initial stage goal example:

Overall goal: The supervisee will establish a solid foundation in clinical skills.

Possible specific goals:

  • Enhance active listening skills by practicing reflective listening techniques during client sessions.
  • Develop proficiency in building rapport and establishing therapeutic alliances with clients from diverse backgrounds.
  • Gain familiarity with assessment tools and diagnostic criteria relevant to the populations served.

These are good goals to set in the initial stage of supervision because they lay the groundwork for more advanced clinical skill development later on.

Middle stage goal example:

Overall goal: Deepen knowledge of therapeutic interventions and refine clinical decision-making abilities.

Possible specific goals:

  • Expand the supervisee's repertoire of therapeutic modalities by incorporating cognitive behavioral techniques, specifically solution-focused brief therapy (SFBT) and motivational interviewing.
  • Improve case conceptualization skills by integrating psychodynamic and family systems theoretical frameworks.
  • Enhance the supervisee's ability to assess and address complex client presentations, including co-occurring disorders and trauma-related behaviors.

These goals elevate the supervisee's clinical competency and readiness for more independent practice.

Final stage goal example:

Overall goal: Prepare for licensure and transition to independent practice.

Possible specific goals:

  • Ensure mastery of ethical and legal standards by reviewing relevant professional codes of conduct and practicing ethical decision-making in challenging scenarios.
  • Demonstrate proficiency in documentation and record-keeping practices, including writing comprehensive assessment reports and treatment plans.
  • Develop a plan for ongoing professional development beyond licensure, such as pursuing specialized training or obtaining certifications in specific therapeutic modalities.

These goals are geared towards consolidating the supervisee's clinical skills and preparing them for the responsibilities of autonomous practice as a licensed mental health therapist.

Can’t find the answer to your question?

Send us a message at support@motivohealth.com.

Or, give us a call at +1 (678) 582-9795.

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