About us

Editing your profile

It is important to keep your profile up to date so that you can maximize opportunities to supervise with Motivo!

How to access your supervisor dashboard

You need to log into your dashboard to make any changes to your profile. Here's how you do that.

  • Log into your supervisor dashboard by clicking Log In on the Motivo Health website.
  • Once you've entered your email address and password, you'll be prompted to this screen - this is your supervisor dashboard!

How do you edit your dashboard?

  • Log into your supervisor dashboard as described above.
  • Click on your name in the top right-hand corner of your screen.
  • From the dropdown menu, click on My Profile.
  • On your profile, you can edit your profile picture, the words you live by, your About Page, and your education and experience including modalities, specialties, and populations.
  • Check every page including "General", "Preferences", "Licenses" and "Payment" to make sure your profile is up to date! A red dot will appear next to sections that you haven't completed yet.
  • Don't forget to save all of your changes!

How to set up payment information

  • Click on your name in the top right-hand corner of your supervisor dashboard and select My Profile from the dropdown menu.
  • Click on the Payment tab on the left-hand side of your screen.
  • Stripe, our payment platform, will prompt you to create an account.

How do I change my payment information?

  • Click on the My Profile tab on your supervisor dashboard. Once again, this is on the top right-hand corner of your screen.
  • From here, click on Payment.
  • You'll be prompted to log onto Stripe, our payment platform.
  • Here is a link that tells you how to change your payment information on Stripe.

Can’t find the answer to your question?

Send us a message at support@motivohealth.com.

Or, give us a call at +1 (678) 582-9795.

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