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Clinical supervision intro call overview

At Motivo, we believe that the match matters. This short complimentary 20-minute video call allows the supervisor and supervisee to ask relevant questions about one another to ensure it's a good fit prior to entering the supervisory relationship.

Best practices to ensure a successful call

  • Please provide 24 hour notice if needing to reschedule / cancel
  • Be in a quiet, private location, preferably sitting at a tabletop
  • Test your technology, including video, before your meeting time
  • Please keep your video camera on
  • Dress professionally
  • Be prepared with your current caseload and place of work
  • Consider buffer time, in the event that you want to talk longer than the 20 minutes
  • Be prepared with your ideal start date of supervision
  • Discuss the rules and regulations of your licensing board
  • Ensure you know the supervision credentials required for your particular license type
  • Prepare any relevant paperwork
  • Come prepared with questions. We have provided some great examples below
  • Brief introductions
  • The supervisee or employer provides background on their organization, current clinical supervision needs, and what they’re looking for in a supervisor
  • The supervisor provides background on their professional experience and how they may be able to serve this employer’s needs
  • Discussion regarding scheduling/availability for ongoing supervision sessions
  • Closing questions from either party

Potential questions a supervisee might ask

  • Why did you choose to become a supervisor?
  • Can you tell me about your professional experience including work settings, modalities you use, and populations served (age ranges, individuals, couples, families, diagnoses)?
  • Are there any clients you feel are outside your scope or comfort of practice?
  • How does your spirituality or religious belief intersect with your professional practice?
  • How would your supervisees describe your approach to supervision?
  • How do you manage the power dynamics of the supervisory relationship and work to establish psychological safety?
  • What happens if we disagree on a therapeutic approach or how to proceed with a client?
  • How will you challenge me to become a better therapist?
  • How will we incorporate self-of-the-therapist work in our supervision?
  • What do you look for in a supervisee that you find to be a good match?

Potential questions a supervisor might ask

  • What would you like to tell me about yourself?
  • What brought you to the field of therapy?
  • Can you tell me about where you are working, the types of clients you are seeing, and your professional experience thus far?
  • Other than supervision hours, what do you hope to gain from supervision?
  • Where are you in your licensure journey, i.e. just starting out or how many hours do you have to complete?

Some facts about intro calls

  • If you need to reschedule an intro call, please do so with more than 24 hours notice. To reschedule an intro call, click on the "Intro Calls" page. Click on the certain intro call of interest to you and click on "View request." On this screen, click "Reschedule", and you will be able to select a new time for your intro call.
  • To view any outstanding intro calls, you'll once again want to click on the "Intro calls" tab.

Can’t find the answer to your question?

Send us a message at support@motivohealth.com.

Or, give us a call at +1 (678) 582-9795.

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