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Using your employer dashboard

Add new supervisees to your Motivo admin dashboard to get them up and running with supervision quickly and seamlessly. There are two easy ways to do this.

Creating an account

  • Go to https://employers.motivohealth.com/employer-onboarding and fill out the form
  • Enter the name your organization and your name
  • Choose your employer setting
  • Add your company email address
  • Add preferred phone number
  • Enter a memorable password
  • Make note of your password and email
  • Choose if you require supervisors to enter notes on the platform
  • Choose if you require supervisors to do admin hours
  • Agree to Motivo's Employer Agreement and Privacy Policy
  • Login to the dashboard!

This Scribe overview demonstrates each step.

Manual upload

  • Go to the Supervisees page
  • Click Add more supervisees
  • Select Use manual upload form instead
  • Fill out the form
  • Click Submit
  • Success! You should see a success message.

Click on this Scribe link to see a visual walkthrough of the process.

Add supervisees through a CSV upload

  • Go to the Supervisees page
  • Click Add more supervisees
  • Click Download template
  • For an easier time filling out the CSV, click File → Make a copy
  • Fill out the CSV with your employees needing supervision
  • Once you’re done, go to File → Download → CSV
  • Upload your CSV file by dragging the file to the upload box or clicking Upload CSV
  • Click Upload employees
  • You'll see a success screen once complete This Scribe link demonstrates the process.

Schedule intro-calls with clinical supervisors

  • Search for supervisors to connect with in the directory
  • Fill out the prep-for-call details and press Continue
  • Select a few times and press Suggest Times
  • You'll receive an email with your suggested times
  • Go to the Intro Requests page and navigate to your new request

Scribe overview for intro calls with clinical supervisors.

Confirm a match after an intro call

If the status of your intro call request is 'Awaiting user' you will do the following:

  • Navigate to the Intro calls page - you'll see a badge in the header and the Action Needed** status on your call
  • Click View request
  • Click Yes, confirm
  • Click on an option on the pop-up modal
  • You'll see a celebration modal confirming your new connection! Additionally, you'll receive a confirmation email.

Click Scribe overview for how to confirm a match.

Request a supervisor match directly

After adding employees, request a match with a supervisor.

  • Navigate to the Supervisees page on your dashboard.
  • Click on the Onboarding tab
  • Next to a supervisee name, click Match supervisor
  • Select a supervisor from the drop-down and click Submit
  • You'll see a modal confirming the match request was sent, and an email sent to the supervisor. Click Continue
  • Repeat for your other employees

This Scribe overview leads you through the direct match process.

Rematch a declined supervisee

  • Go to the Onboarding page of your dashboard
  • You should see the declined supervisee in the table
  • Click Match supervisor
  • Select a supervisor from the dropdown
  • Select a supervisor from the drop-down and click Submit
  • You will see a modal confirming the match request was sent, and an email sent to your supervisor. Click Continue

This Scribe overview shows the process.

View a scheduled session

  • Navigate to the Dashboard page
  • If your session was scheduled for today, you should see the session in the Upcoming Sessions section
  • Otherwise, navigate to the Sessions page to confirm the new session appears under Upcoming

View the Scribe overview to see how to view a session.

Can’t find the answer to your question?

Send us a message at support@motivohealth.com.

Or, give us a call at +1 (678) 582-9795.

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