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Cancellation policy for employers

This article outlines Motivo's cancellation policy, emphasizing the importance of respecting supervisors' time by adhering to the 24-hour notice requirement for canceling sessions.

At Motivo, we value and respect the time of our supervisors. Each session is an important commitment that requires careful scheduling and preparation. When supervisees adhere to our cancellation policy, supervisors can efficiently manage their schedules and provide the best possible support to all their supervisees.

Cancellation notice requirement

If a supervisee is unable to attend a scheduled session, they are required to inform their supervisor, preferably in writing, at least 24 hours prior to the session so that other arrangements can be made. This notice period allows supervisors to adjust their schedules and potentially offer the time slot to another supervisee in need. Handling last-minute cancellations and no-shows

We understand that last-minute circumstances and emergencies can arise. Therefore, if a supervisee provides less than 24 hours notice or does not attend a scheduled appointment, the supervisor has the discretion to categorize the session as follows:

Canceled with notice: This option is selected if the supervisee provides a cancellation notice of more than 24 hours. No fees will be charged in this case.

No show/Late cancel: This option is applicable if the supervisee fails to comply with the 24-hour notice cancellation policy. In such a scenario, the supervisee or their employer will be billed for the session, and the supervisor will be remunerated for their time.

By adhering to this policy, we can ensure that our supervisors' time is respected and that they can continue to provide high-quality supervision to all supervisees.

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